Greenhouse Management and Supervision

Vision, remote control by Smatphone, Tablet and PC

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Immediate access to all information everywhere

Having reliable information in real time is a crucial condition for making the appropriate decisions for any productive business. Today, innovative information technology makes it possible to overcome any distance and analysis limit so that the operator can have information anywhere and easily accessible for his decision-making activity. For this purpose Spagnol offers different solutions for supervision with Vision On-Premises and Vision Cloud.

We Connect. You Control.

Let's clarify the concepts of On-Premises and Cloud

Vision On-Premises means that the supervision software is installed on the company computer or server which is connected and communicates with the various devices for the greenhouse management.  
Vision Cloud means that Spagnol gives the customer an on-line supervision service that can be used after downloading the APP in your Android or iOS device and signing up to the subscription that best suits your needs. 

Selection criteria between Vision On-Premises and Vision Cloud

Vision On-Premises: available only in devices where user licenses have been installed, generally located within the company. 
Vision Cloud: available in every Android or iOS device and wherever there is an internet connection. 
Vision On-Premises: high initial cost for the purchase of the software user license and a computer with related maintenance costs and inevitable software and hardware updates over time.
Vision Cloud: a more affordable cost since you can pay an annual subscription that can vary depending on the type of service chosen, updates and maintenance are at the supplier's expense. 
Data security and service
Vision On-Premises: it's the customer's responsibility to manage the antivirus sofware and take the necessary countermeasures for cyber threats coming from the Internet, furthermore the data back-up is completely at the customer's expense. For every malfunction or failure of the computer, server or company network, the customer must repair and reinstall all the necessary software. 
Vision Cloud: data and back-up security is ensured  by the cloud service, managed by highly specialized engineers, and which cost is included with the supply of Vision cloud service. In case of loss, theft or failure of the mobile device you just need to buy a new one, download the APP and re-enter your username and password and the system will function immediately.  
Customization and functionality
Vision On-Premises: Customizations are possible especially in the layout of data, reports and graphs and in the display of customized synoptics. With Vision on premises you have a complete view of the process data. 
Vision Cloud: Customizations are not possible. With Vision cloud you have a partial view of the process data and the best compromise between functionality and easy use. 
Data Sharing
Vision On-Premisest: Data sharing is limited to the operators included in the corporate network. 
Vision Cloud: the service can be shared with multiple users according to the type of subscription made. 
Vision On-Premises: All software updates and maintenance activities are at the customer's expense, including the purchase of new versions and their set up. 
Vision Cloud: By the very nature of the cloud platform, the user will automatically receive all updates related to the Vision Cloud service. 

Considerations and conclusions

Compared to the fixed supervision station Vision On-Premises, the Vision Cloud platform is cheaper and easier to use, on the other hand it does not have complete data that Vision On-Premises offers. Furthermore, one important consideration is that Vision Cloud only works when connected to the Internet. 
Finally, for the supervision of medium to low level automation systems, Vision Cloud is definitely a useful service if not crucial, while for highly automated greenhouses we advise to install the Vision On-Premises fixed supervision integrated with the Vision Cloud mobile.

Read also: >> 7 valuable reasons to activate Vision


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