Precision Irrigation Days 2021

24th - 25th June

15 juin 2021

The increasing instability in the availability of water resources is generating worldwide reflections on the use of water in agriculture and, more generally, on the sustainability of agricultural practices. The numerous experiments conducted by research centres, Universities and varoius companies are leading to promising technological developments oriented towards the concept of Precision Agriculture: optimising efforts and resources to increase crop productivity and reduce consumption and waste.

It’s within this context that the Precision Irrigation Days 2021 enter into the picture, a wide review dedicated to the optimization of water resource management promoted by Veneto Agricoltura.

The first part of the event will be split into two days, Thursday 24th and Friday 25th June, in which technicians and farmers will display the most innovative solutions in the field of sustainability, precision and automation in irrigation processes. The first day will be held online only, with a live meeting on Veneto Agricoltura’s Facebook page. The second day will take place at the Experimental Horticultural Center "Po di Tramontana" in Rosolina (Ro), in full compliance with the Covid regulation.

This event is an initiative that fully reflects our mission and our values and this is why we are proud to participate by bringing our solution for irrigation control by weight: Gravimatic.

Gravimatic measures the weight of the substrate and crops in order to provide important crop data such as crop transpiration regime, percentage of water content in substrate, percentage of drainage and much more. The availability of accurate and constantly updated data, allows accurate management of irrigation interventions and thus optimizes the use of water resources and avoids physiological stress that would compromise the maximum yield of the crop. This is why Gravimatic is the ideal tool to easily reach the highest levels of efficiency.

To learn more about Spagnol Gravimatic contact us or visit us at the Precision Irrigation Days 2021.
We’ll be there, and you?


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