Weather station

Wide range of weather stations and weather sensors

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The appropriate weather station for each application

The measurement of the climate outside the greenhouse is extremely important to obtain a sudden and optimal regulation of the microclimate in the greenhouse. Spagnol has a complete set of sensors for the structure of the meteorology station best suited to every need. From high-tech greenhouses to low-tech greenhouses, each will find the right combination for their needs.
For the safety of the installers who will inevitably have to work at a certain height, both the support and the sensors are built mainly in light alloy.
For open field meteorological measurements, Spagnol can supply a COMBI type weather station that can easily be configured for each application.
Weather sensors can be connected to the Spagnol S-Bus network and therefore with Vision visible On-Line.

S-Bus sensor interface box

S-Bus sensor interface box

S-Bus solar radiation sensor 0÷2000 W/m²  400÷950 nm

S-Bus solar radiation sensor 0÷2000 W/m² 400÷950 nm

Pole COMBI Ø32 for  weather sensors

Pole COMBI Ø32 for weather sensors

S-Bus wind direction sensor

S-Bus wind direction sensor

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